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NEW – Thinner for polyurethane in the packaging of 250 ml

Deal Sea-Line® added a newproduct: Thinner forpolyurethanecoloredandcolorless tobrush and rollerapplicationin a tinypackof 250 ml.250ml ofthe diluentis theapproximateamountthat is neededto use1-2canspolyurethane Sea-Line® in packsof 750ml.

Applicationbrush/rollerpolyurethanescanbe dilutedin the proportion of15-25%. Thinner for polyurethane in the packaging of 250 ml

NEW – Thinner for polyurethane in the packaging of 250 ml

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Can I purchase products directly from you?

We do not sell retail. Our products can be found in many stores in Poland and abroad. Our distributors run stationary and online stores. The full list of distributors and contacts can be found on our website at the following link click here.

Why does the paint have no adhesion?

Possible causes

  • Wrong surface preparation,
  • Skipping the primer in the system application process,
  • Use of universal thinners or replacements ,
  • Paint incompatibility.

How to prevent

  • Correct surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Use primers which improve adhesion of paints,
  • Use thinners which are dedicated to each paints,
  • Use of paints which are compatible to each other.

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.

Do you have to paint the scratched side of the boat?

If the scratches are not deep, then we can renew the scratched side by polishing with Sea-Line polishing pastes. Above the waterline, when the scratches are not deep, the surface can be repaired with a DRY FAST gel coat filler. Deep scratches should be filled with epoxy filler (selected depending on the requirements of the scratched surface), painted with a primer and then painted with topcoat.

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