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Planet Baltic Cup

Second edition racing „Planet Baltic Cup” in September.

We are inviting for the participation in the race of Planet Baltic Cup on days 10-11.09.2016 in Kołobrzeg. Will be plenty of activities and great prizes.

Planet Baltic Cup

Trasa regat umiejscowiona jest pomiędzy główkami portu, a kołobrzeskim molo, co daje nam możliwość pokazania żeglarskiego show, które przyciąga widzów zebranych na molo i plaży. Dzięki infrastrukturze kołobrzeskiego portu, możemy organizować wyścigi w klasach sportowych wewnątrz basenu portowego, dając zebranej publiczności pokaz prawdziwych in port races znanych z wielkich światowych regat.

Program regat oraz dodatkowe informację można znaleźć na stronie internetowej.

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

Why despite the use of antifouing paint the bottom of the boat is overgrown?

Possible causes

  • Too thin layer of antifouling paint,
  • Choosing the wrong antifouling to type of a boat or yacht
  • Thinning of antifouling paint,
  • Incorrect surface preparation before antifouling application.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right layer thickness of paint indicated by manufacturer,
  • Choose antifouling dedicated to type of boat or yacht and suitable for the type of water,
  • Do not thin antifouling because of the risk of reducing effectiveness,
  • Careful surface preparations (grinding, clearing, degreasing),

How to remove

  • Wet grinding, apply new layers of antifouling paint.
  • Use C1 shell and fouling remover.

Why did the polyurethane topcoat become dull?

Possible causes

  • Too short time for evaporation of the thinner,

How to prevent

  • Maintain the right conditions for complete evaporation of the thinner,

How to remove

  • Mat the surface, degrease and apply the paint according to the rule (right conditions and thinning proportions)
  • Polish surface if needed.
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