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Epoxy primer in the “Żagle” water sports magazine

Our new epoxy primer in the “Żagle” water sports magazine.

The multifunctional epoxy spray primer was mentioned in the latest issue of the water sports magazine “Żagle + Jachty Motorowe”.

“Excellent marks in the competition “Gwóźdź Targów Wiatr i Woda 2019″ has obtained a new two-component epoxy primer with a multifunctional application offered in a spray (…) The container has a built-in activation system for mixing two components that extends the pot life of up to 48 hours after activation (… ) ”

“Żagle” No. 5 May 2019

Epoxy primer in the “Żagle” water sports magazine

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Why the resin does not harden?

Possible causes

  • Too low temperature of ambitne,
  • Incorrect proportion of base and herdener,
  • Mixing two components from two different manufacturers

How to prevent

  • Apply the correct proportions of components
  • Maintain steady temperature (around 20ﹾC) during whole hardening process,
  • Mix the products thoroughly and bleed the mixture.

How to remove

  • The uncured mass requires complete removal from the surface.

Can I use yacht paints for a drinking water tank?

Sea-Line yacht paints are designed for painting the surface of boats and yachts made of various materials, e.g. laminate, wood or steel. We do not have a certificate of the National Institute of Hygiene, which would allow the use of yacht paint to paint the tank with drinking water.

Can I add some thinner to antifouling paint?

There is a possibility of thinning antifouling, but we do not recommend this procedure due to the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the paint. If it is necessary to thin the antifouling paint, it is recommended to dilute it to a maximum of 0-5% (by volume).

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