
ISO 14001

Zabezpieczenie łodzi
ISO 14001

The aim of the norm ISO 14001 concerning environment management is helping organizations as far as the influence of their activity, goods and services on the environment is concerned. It also aims at the reduction of the influence on the environment and effective use of the available resources on each stage of the activity.The standard ISO 14001 does not include absolute requirements concerning environmental activity of a given company. It requires the organization to operate in accordance with provisions that it included in the environmental policy, to observe legal regulations, to identify environmental aspects on the basis of which the list of aspects with the specification of aspects significant in the company activity is created. On the basis of these aspects, the company should define its objectives, tasks and environmental programmes. The major and most important requirement of the standard is the company constant aiming at self-perfection

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015


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