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ISO 9001

Standard ISO 9001 concerns quality management. The main requirements of this standard include among others the implementation of supervision over documents and entries, engagement of the management in the creation of quality management system, systematized resources management, establishment of the product realization processes, making systematic measurements (goods, processes and customer satisfaction).The implementation of the system ISO 9001 influences the quality of our brand. It increases the effectiveness and speed of reaction to client needs, the result of which is client’s growing satisfaction from our services. Obtaining the certificate improves the work efficiency and guarantees constant control of our goods.

ISO 14001

The aim of the norm ISO 14001 concerning environment management is helping organizations as far as the influence of their activity, goods and services on the environment is concerned. It also aims at the reduction of the influence on the environment and effective use of the available resources on each stage of the activity.The standard ISO 14001 does not include absolute requirements concerning environmental activity of a given company. It requires the organization to operate in accordance with provisions that it included in the environmental policy, to observe legal regulations, to identify environmental aspects on the basis of which the list of aspects with the specification of aspects significant in the company activity is created. On the basis of these aspects, the company should define its objectives, tasks and environmental programmes. The major and most important requirement of the standard is the company constant aiming at self-perfection


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Can I paint a boat, previously painted with 1 component paint, with polyurethane?

No, polyurethane is a 2-component paint (base + hardener) and after applying 2-component paint to 1-component paint, the proper adhesion of the paint to the surface will not be maintained, the paint will begin to wrinkle and surface defects will appear.

Can I add more hardener to speed up the reaction?

Do not add more hardener, because after the base has cured, the remaining hardener will react with subsequent layers, which will be applied to the surface and cause defects. For the product to work properly, please follow the proportions given by the manufacturer.

Can I add some thinner to antifouling paint?

There is a possibility of thinning antifouling, but we do not recommend this procedure due to the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the paint. If it is necessary to thin the antifouling paint, it is recommended to dilute it to a maximum of 0-5% (by volume).

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