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Do you know that last year we modern epoxy fillers recipes?

Do you know that last year we modern epoxy fillers recipes?  To avoid confusions check on label if product is marked with ikon “new” or not. To find TDS and SDS cards please click this link DOWNLOAD.

Below differences for each Sea-Line epoxy filler.

Do you know that last year we modern epoxy fillers recipes?

Epoxy filler lightweight

Epoxy filler lightweight Old recipe New recipe Diffierences
Color White White No changes
Setting time 24h 20h A faster hardened product means faster readiness for further processing
Pot life 20C 50 minutes 50 minutes No changes
Weight 1L = 850 grams 1L = 700 grams Lower product’s own weight
Proportions of mixing By weight – 100:53

By volume – 2:1

By weight – 100:100

By volume – 1:1

Easier proportions of compounds mixing

Epoxy filler universal

Epoxy filler universal Old recipe New recipe Diffierences
Color Gray Light gray Lighter shade of the new filler
Setting time 5h 15h Longer setting time
Pot life 20ﹾC 10 minutes 40 minutes 30 minutes longer pot life
Weight 1L = 1600 grams 1L = 1540 grams Lower product’s own weight
Proportions of mixing By weight – 100:44

By volume – 2:1

By weight – 100:50

By volume – 2:1

Easier proportions of compounds mixing

Epoxy filler with fibreglass

Epoxy filler with fibreglass Old recipe New recipe Diffierences
Color Light green Light gray Color changes
Setting time 24h 16h Setting time reduced
Pot life 20ﹾC 25 minutes 50 minutes 25 minutes longer pot life
Weight 1L = 1800 grams 1L = 1550 grams Lower product’s own weight
Proportions of mixing By weight – 100:50

By volume – 1:1

By weight – 100:50

By volume – 2:1

Easier proportions of compounds mixing

Nowe receptury szpachlowek epoksydowych

Nowe receptury szpachlowek epoksydowych

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Can I paint the bottom of the boat with polyurethane paint?

Yes, you can paint the bottom of the boat with polyurethane paint due to its high mechanical strength. We recommend this solution when the boat is not launched for a long time and is not exposed to fouling.

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

Why the epoxy filler does not harden?

Possible causes

  • Incorrect proportion of base and herdener,
  • Too low temperature of ambient and surface (less than 10ﹾC),
  • Mixing two components from two different manufacturers,

How to prevent

  • Apply the correct proportions of components
  • Maintain steady temperature (around 20ﹾC) during the whole hardening process,
  • Use base and hardener from the same manufacturer

How to remove

  • The uncured mass requires complete removal from the surface.
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