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NEW OFFER! Antifouling for aluminium

NEW OFFER! Selfpolishing Antifouling for aluminium boats. Recommended for salty and sweet water. It is suitable for sailing and motor boats up to speed to 40 knots.

Recommended to protect areas below the water line. Suitable for all kind of boats up to 40 knots of speed. Extremely effective, very high performance

It can be applied on:

  • aluminium (light alloy)
  • steel,
  • wood
  • fiberglass hulls

No risk of galvanic corrosion on aluminium surfaces.Paint is composed of copper oxide and resins. It does not contain tin compounds.
Performance 12 m2 per liter for coat 50μm. Can 0,75 l and 2,5 l.

NEW OFFER! Antifouling for aluminium

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Can I use universal thinner?

We do not recommend using universal thinners. The use of a thinner with an unknown composition may result in loss of adhesion, lack of proper flow of paint and varnish defects.

Why are the streaks formed?

Possible causes

  • Wrong viscosity and spraying technique,
  • Failure to maintain proper evaporation time and thickness of layers,
  • Incorrect spraying pressure,
  • Too low temperature of varnish, surface or space ,
  • Wrong thinner or hardener.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right type of application method indicated by manufacturer,
  • Use working spray guns,
  • Both the object and material must have room temperature of 20ﹾC,
  • Apply correct proportion of base and hardener.

How to remove

  • Grinding and polishing,
  • Grinding and painting,

Can I add more hardener to speed up the reaction?

Do not add more hardener, because after the base has cured, the remaining hardener will react with subsequent layers, which will be applied to the surface and cause defects. For the product to work properly, please follow the proportions given by the manufacturer.

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