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Self-polishing antifouling paint

NEW OFFER! Self polishingantifoulingpaint. Recommendedforwatersalty andsweet.Suitable forsail and motor crafttospeeds of up to40 knots. You canuse thehulls ofsteel, woodandlaminate.Do not usefor aluminum.

The paintis composedof copperoxideand resin. It does not containtin compounds. Performance8-9m2 per literfor50 microncoating. Packaging0.75and 2.5liter.

Self-polishing antifouling paint

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Do you have to paint the scratched side of the boat?

If the scratches are not deep, then we can renew the scratched side by polishing with Sea-Line polishing pastes. Above the waterline, when the scratches are not deep, the surface can be repaired with a DRY FAST gel coat filler. Deep scratches should be filled with epoxy filler (selected depending on the requirements of the scratched surface), painted with a primer and then painted with topcoat.

Can I use selfpolishing Sea-Line and HARD Sea-Line antifoulings on aluminium boat?

Sea-Line HARD and Sea-Line self-polishing antifouling are not intended for aluminum surfaces. They include copper oxide, which in contact with aluminum causes galvanic corrosion. Especially on aluminum, we offer ALU-PLUS self-polishing anti-fouling paint, which, in addition to excellent adhesion to aluminum, is also 30% more effective than traditional anti-fouling paints.

Can I purchase products directly from you?

We do not sell retail. Our products can be found in many stores in Poland and abroad. Our distributors run stationary and online stores. The full list of distributors and contacts can be found on our website at the following link click here.

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