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Troton supported the students in building a car for the competition

Troton, the owner of the Sea-Line brand, supported the PGRacing Team with products that helped build the PGR-06 car

We are very glad that we supported the PGRacing Team, which took part in the FS Netherlands competition.

PGRacing Team is a team of students from the Gdańsk University of Technology, operating within the “Mechanik” Science Club. The activity of the team began in the second half of 2014 on the initiative of a group of students of the then Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology. During these less than 8 years, 5 generations of vehicles were created in the team workshop! The aim of the students was to design and build a real car that took part in the most prestigious automotive student competition in the world – Formula Student.

Troton supported the students in building a car for the competition

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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Why are the streaks formed?

Possible causes

  • Wrong viscosity and spraying technique,
  • Failure to maintain proper evaporation time and thickness of layers,
  • Incorrect spraying pressure,
  • Too low temperature of varnish, surface or space ,
  • Wrong thinner or hardener.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right type of application method indicated by manufacturer,
  • Use working spray guns,
  • Both the object and material must have room temperature of 20ﹾC,
  • Apply correct proportion of base and hardener.

How to remove

  • Grinding and polishing,
  • Grinding and painting,

Contamination in topcoat paint?

Possible causes

  • Inaccurate surface cleaning before paint application,
  • Incorrect painting tools preparation (brush and roll),
  • Performing work in a place exposed to constant contact with dust.

How to prevent

  • Careful surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Careful painting tools preparation before use,
  • Maintain clean work environment

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

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