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Sea-Line in Warsaw Fair Wind and Water!

We would like to invite you 08-11March tomeet us at our boothnumber 170 A in hall H1.
As always,we offer adviceand assistanceon technical issues, advise how to paint theboat, how to protectthe hullagainst osmosisorfouling.

See you in Warsaw!


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Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

Can I mix polyurethane paints to get a different color?

Yes, you can mix Sea-Line polyurethane paints. The only difference are the pigments of polyurethane paints that determine the color of the paint. But remember to keep the right proportions of base, hardener and thinner.

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

Why did the polyurethane topcoat become dull?

Possible causes

  • Too short time for evaporation of the thinner,

How to prevent

  • Maintain the right conditions for complete evaporation of the thinner,

How to remove

  • Mat the surface, degrease and apply the paint according to the rule (right conditions and thinning proportions)
  • Polish surface if needed.
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