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Dust mask

Protects the respiratory system against dust. Do not use in small rooms with inadequate ventilation. Does not protect against gases, vapours or aerosols.

Contains 2 masks300003449
Dust mask

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    Our FAQ answers to frequently asked questions

    Can I add more hardener to speed up the reaction?

    Do not add more hardener, because after the base has cured, the remaining hardener will react with subsequent layers, which will be applied to the surface and cause defects. For the product to work properly, please follow the proportions given by the manufacturer.

    Do you have to paint the scratched side of the boat?

    If the scratches are not deep, then we can renew the scratched side by polishing with Sea-Line polishing pastes. Above the waterline, when the scratches are not deep, the surface can be repaired with a DRY FAST gel coat filler. Deep scratches should be filled with epoxy filler (selected depending on the requirements of the scratched surface), painted with a primer and then painted with topcoat.

    Can I use yacht paints for a drinking water tank?

    Sea-Line yacht paints are designed for painting the surface of boats and yachts made of various materials, e.g. laminate, wood or steel. We do not have a certificate of the National Institute of Hygiene, which would allow the use of yacht paint to paint the tank with drinking water.

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