„… It was not easy, hard job on knees with mask and glasses. Feeling like 40 years ago during military trainings.
Sea-line products (as most of modern paints) let’s amatours for quiet good application. Now my yacht Sombra Blanca has best bottom on the world. In few weeks I’m going to be back on the water”
Witold /Wrocław
Renovation of the Spanish motorboat Ducauto caribe. “Cut in half, gutted and made according to
Cosmetics Sea-Line use in Polish Army for cleaning and protect Sea Gun AM35 on „ORP
Mr. Wojciech Ceiślik, boatbuilder Glen-L Squirt: „I recommend Sea-Line products to everyone who builds and
„The holiday period ended and my yacht was left for 2 months in one of
Yes, you can mix Sea-Line polyurethane paints. The only difference are the pigments of polyurethane paints that determine the color of the paint. But remember to keep the right proportions of base, hardener and thinner.