
Our working hours during the virus threat

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Our working hours during the virus threat

Since May 18th we change our working time.
We are available from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

We are pleased to advise you what specific products will be useful for selected works, where to buy our products or how to become distributor for our products.
Our phone numbers (48) 604 821 461 and (+48) 94 35 316 75
We are also available by e-mail info@sea-line.eu

We continue to ensure the safety of employees and the continuity of our production plants. We take all preventive measures to reduce the risk of virus in our environment.


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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Can I add some thinner to antifouling paint?

There is a possibility of thinning antifouling, but we do not recommend this procedure due to the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the paint. If it is necessary to thin the antifouling paint, it is recommended to dilute it to a maximum of 0-5% (by volume).

Why does the paint have no adhesion?

Possible causes

  • Wrong surface preparation,
  • Skipping the primer in the system application process,
  • Use of universal thinners or replacements ,
  • Paint incompatibility.

How to prevent

  • Correct surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Use primers which improve adhesion of paints,
  • Use thinners which are dedicated to each paints,
  • Use of paints which are compatible to each other.

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.

Why despite the use of antifouing paint the bottom of the boat is overgrown?

Possible causes

  • Too thin layer of antifouling paint,
  • Choosing the wrong antifouling to type of a boat or yacht
  • Thinning of antifouling paint,
  • Incorrect surface preparation before antifouling application.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right layer thickness of paint indicated by manufacturer,
  • Choose antifouling dedicated to type of boat or yacht and suitable for the type of water,
  • Do not thin antifouling because of the risk of reducing effectiveness,
  • Careful surface preparations (grinding, clearing, degreasing),

How to remove

  • Wet grinding, apply new layers of antifouling paint.
  • Use C1 shell and fouling remover.
Nuestra oferta
Consulte nuestra oferta de materiales y pinturas para la construcción de embarcaciones
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