
Spinning Fishing Club Salmo Kołobrzeg

Ιστοσελίδα » Η συνεργασία και η χορηγία » Spinning Fishing Club Salmo Kołobrzeg
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Spinning competition on the river Parsęta, organized by this club, is one of the biggest and most famous events of this type in Poland and Europe. More than 200 participants take part in the competition every year. The winners can present great specimen of caught salmon and trout.

Every year we are one of the sponsors of this competition.The club Salmo actively participates in the actions of stocking the river Parsęta with fry and protecting it from poachers as well as in the works for Agreement for Parsęta whose founder it is.

Read more: www.porozumieniedlaparsety.org.pl


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Why are the streaks formed?

Possible causes

  • Wrong viscosity and spraying technique,
  • Failure to maintain proper evaporation time and thickness of layers,
  • Incorrect spraying pressure,
  • Too low temperature of varnish, surface or space ,
  • Wrong thinner or hardener.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right type of application method indicated by manufacturer,
  • Use working spray guns,
  • Both the object and material must have room temperature of 20ﹾC,
  • Apply correct proportion of base and hardener.

How to remove

  • Grinding and polishing,
  • Grinding and painting,

Can I purchase products directly from you?

We do not sell retail. Our products can be found in many stores in Poland and abroad. Our distributors run stationary and online stores. The full list of distributors and contacts can be found on our website at the following link click here.

Can I add some thinner to antifouling paint?

There is a possibility of thinning antifouling, but we do not recommend this procedure due to the risk of reducing the effectiveness of the paint. If it is necessary to thin the antifouling paint, it is recommended to dilute it to a maximum of 0-5% (by volume).

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