
Responsible Business (ang)

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Kosmetyki do naprawy łodzi oraz jachtów
Responsible Business (ang)

The prize was awarded by Newsweek and the Kronenberg Foundation, carrying out together a project called Responsible Business. The partners of the project are e.g. Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland, honorary patronage is held by the Ministry of Regional Development, and media assistance provided by Forbes and Dziennik. Troton received a prize for the company’s many years of involvement solving problems of local community and its activity in the field of conservation of the natural environment.


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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Why are the streaks formed?

Possible causes

  • Wrong viscosity and spraying technique,
  • Failure to maintain proper evaporation time and thickness of layers,
  • Incorrect spraying pressure,
  • Too low temperature of varnish, surface or space ,
  • Wrong thinner or hardener.

How to prevent

  • Apply the right type of application method indicated by manufacturer,
  • Use working spray guns,
  • Both the object and material must have room temperature of 20ﹾC,
  • Apply correct proportion of base and hardener.

How to remove

  • Grinding and polishing,
  • Grinding and painting,

Why does the paint have no adhesion?

Possible causes

  • Wrong surface preparation,
  • Skipping the primer in the system application process,
  • Use of universal thinners or replacements ,
  • Paint incompatibility.

How to prevent

  • Correct surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Use primers which improve adhesion of paints,
  • Use thinners which are dedicated to each paints,
  • Use of paints which are compatible to each other.

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

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