

Página web » Noticias y promociones » NEW! LIGHTPRIMER 5:1 IN GRAY COLOR
Farby antyporostowe

In Sea-Line offerthe second best-selling color of epoxy Lightprimer 5 : 1.
Al ready,the product is available in white and gray.
This is a convenience especially for those who paint several layers. With two different colors it’s easier to control the surface coating and works progress.
New color – gray – available in two capacities of 0.75 and 3 l


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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Why the epoxy filler does not harden?

Possible causes

  • Incorrect proportion of base and herdener,
  • Too low temperature of ambient and surface (less than 10ﹾC),
  • Mixing two components from two different manufacturers,

How to prevent

  • Apply the correct proportions of components
  • Maintain steady temperature (around 20ﹾC) during the whole hardening process,
  • Use base and hardener from the same manufacturer

How to remove

  • The uncured mass requires complete removal from the surface.

Can I use yacht paints for a drinking water tank?

Sea-Line yacht paints are designed for painting the surface of boats and yachts made of various materials, e.g. laminate, wood or steel. We do not have a certificate of the National Institute of Hygiene, which would allow the use of yacht paint to paint the tank with drinking water.

Contamination in topcoat paint?

Possible causes

  • Inaccurate surface cleaning before paint application,
  • Incorrect painting tools preparation (brush and roll),
  • Performing work in a place exposed to constant contact with dust.

How to prevent

  • Careful surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Careful painting tools preparation before use,
  • Maintain clean work environment

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.
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