

Página web » Noticias y promociones » WE CANCEL OUR PARTICIPATION
Zabezpieczenie łodzi

We regret to inform you that we had to decide to cancel our participation in Wind and Water Boat Show in Warsaw due to the coronavirus.

We want to reduce the risk of infecting our employees and those of you who planned to visit us.

Our decision is conditioned by concern for health and safety of all of us.

If you have any questions about our products please contact us info@sea-line.eu or call us (+48) 94 35 316 79

Thank you for your understanding.


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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Why did the polyurethane topcoat become dull?

Possible causes

  • Too short time for evaporation of the thinner,

How to prevent

  • Maintain the right conditions for complete evaporation of the thinner,

How to remove

  • Mat the surface, degrease and apply the paint according to the rule (right conditions and thinning proportions)
  • Polish surface if needed.

Why the epoxy filler does not harden?

Possible causes

  • Incorrect proportion of base and herdener,
  • Too low temperature of ambient and surface (less than 10ﹾC),
  • Mixing two components from two different manufacturers,

How to prevent

  • Apply the correct proportions of components
  • Maintain steady temperature (around 20ﹾC) during the whole hardening process,
  • Use base and hardener from the same manufacturer

How to remove

  • The uncured mass requires complete removal from the surface.

Do you have to paint the scratched side of the boat?

If the scratches are not deep, then we can renew the scratched side by polishing with Sea-Line polishing pastes. Above the waterline, when the scratches are not deep, the surface can be repaired with a DRY FAST gel coat filler. Deep scratches should be filled with epoxy filler (selected depending on the requirements of the scratched surface), painted with a primer and then painted with topcoat.

Nuestra oferta
Consulte nuestra oferta de materiales y pinturas para la construcción de embarcaciones
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