

Página web » Noticias y promociones » PRESTIGIOUS EUROPEAN BUSINESS AWARDS
Farby dla jachtów

In first week of December took place the final of the European Business Awards. It is one of the most prestigious international competitions in which companies from various sectors of the economy participate, competing in such categories as innovation, environmental protection, socially responsible business or above-average market success. Troton received the National Winner award for the best company in Poland in the Innovation group. In the philosophy of the Sea-Line brand, belonging to the Troton company, we focus on modern solutions that meet the requirements of European guidelines. The great award confirms our belief that we are going in the right direction. We are proud of such a prestigious international award!

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Photos reposted from: https://www.businessawardseurope.com/


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Nuestras FAQ
Respuestas a las preguntas más frecuentes

Why the epoxy filler does not harden?

Possible causes

  • Incorrect proportion of base and herdener,
  • Too low temperature of ambient and surface (less than 10ﹾC),
  • Mixing two components from two different manufacturers,

How to prevent

  • Apply the correct proportions of components
  • Maintain steady temperature (around 20ﹾC) during the whole hardening process,
  • Use base and hardener from the same manufacturer

How to remove

  • The uncured mass requires complete removal from the surface.

Can I degrease surfaces with acetone?

We do not recommend degreasing the surface with acetone, because acetone evaporates very quickly, which affects the quality of cleaning the painted surface.

Can I add more hardener to speed up the reaction?

Do not add more hardener, because after the base has cured, the remaining hardener will react with subsequent layers, which will be applied to the surface and cause defects. For the product to work properly, please follow the proportions given by the manufacturer.

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