
Transpacyfik Solo

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Romuald Koperski

A traveller, guide to Siberia, pioneer of automobile expeditions across the extensive regions of Siberia, automobile pilot, writer, journalist, photographer, diver and musician-pianist. A writer of the books: (“Duel with Siberia”, “Through Siberia without a Ticket “,”1001 Pictures of Siberia”), of photographic exhibitions and of many other publications on Siberia, which he has travelled the length and breadth of the country.

An originator and organiser of three editions of the automobile rally “Transsiberia”, which lasted for 39 days, the longest and the most difficult automobile rally in the world “Transsiberia – Gigant 2004”, Atlantic – Pacific – Atlantic, which had 30.000km.


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Le nostre FAQ
Risposte alle domande più frequenti

Why does the paint have no adhesion?

Possible causes

  • Wrong surface preparation,
  • Skipping the primer in the system application process,
  • Use of universal thinners or replacements ,
  • Paint incompatibility.

How to prevent

  • Correct surface preparation (grinding, clearing, degreasing),
  • Use primers which improve adhesion of paints,
  • Use thinners which are dedicated to each paints,
  • Use of paints which are compatible to each other.

How to remove

  • Grind, clean and paint again.

Can I use selfpolishing Sea-Line and HARD Sea-Line antifoulings on aluminium boat?

Sea-Line HARD and Sea-Line self-polishing antifouling are not intended for aluminum surfaces. They include copper oxide, which in contact with aluminum causes galvanic corrosion. Especially on aluminum, we offer ALU-PLUS self-polishing anti-fouling paint, which, in addition to excellent adhesion to aluminum, is also 30% more effective than traditional anti-fouling paints.

Can I paint the bottom of the boat with polyurethane paint?

Yes, you can paint the bottom of the boat with polyurethane paint due to its high mechanical strength. We recommend this solution when the boat is not launched for a long time and is not exposed to fouling.

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