
Our help against Covid-19

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Our help against Covid-19

We provided over 45000 pairs of disposable gloves, 3000 masks, 420 disposable overalls, 450 paper towels and 450 liters of disinfectant liquid for medical and emergency services free of charge. We try to help those who need it most now: hospitals, fire brigades, care centers.

We believe that solidarity with those on the front lines is extremely important and needed at this time.


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Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I paint a boat, previously painted with 1 component paint, with polyurethane?

It is not recommended to apply 2K paints over 1K paints. 1K and 2K inks differ in their composition and properties, including hardness, chemical resistance and durability. 1K paints are one-component and dry by evaporating the solvent, while 2K paints are two-component and need to be cured by adding a hardener. Applying 2K paint over 1K paint can cause unpredictable chemical reactions and lead to undesirable effects such as dulling, chipping or flaking of the paint. Therefore, always use paints according to the manufacturer’s instructions and do not mix different types of paints. farby zgodnie z instrukcjami producenta i nie mieszać różnych rodzajów farb.

Can I mix polyurethane paints to get a different color?

Yes, you can mix Sea-Line polyurethane paints. The only difference are the pigments of polyurethane paints that determine the color of the paint. But remember to keep the right proportions of base, hardener and thinner.

Is it necessary to always sand the surface between application of two different products?

We recommend to always sand the surface between applying two different products to ensure uniform surface roughness and adhesion of subsequent layers. The sanded surface should also be cleaned and degreased.

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